Video Production Services for The Bone Store – Testimonial interviews with real people inexperienced in performing on camera, can present serious challenges to video producers. In many cases, the subjects appear nervous, or they’re phrasing sounds wooden, or worse, they limit their responses to simply answering the interviewer’s questions and no more.
And yet an honest testimonial can provide something no professional actor can: credibility. The feeling that the words coming out of their mouth is actually their own and not copy lines scripted, memorized then regurgitated.
On a recent Blare Media shoot for The Bone Store, a Fresno-based retail medical equipment supplier involved securing testimonials from a Podiatrist and a Physical Therapist. Since neither doctor is an experienced public speaker, we needed to pull out all the stops to get past our subjects’ fear of the camera and earn their trust.
At Blare Media we believe two components are necessary to counter to the testimonial jitters: First off, an interviewer who will engage the subject in a casual and relaxed manner, allowing him or her to feel comfortable opening up on-camera. That may sound counterintuitive but we’ve found that once a subject fully engages with the interviewer they tend forget there’s even a camera in the room.
The second component is Blare Media’s skilled and talented audio/video crews who stay laser focused on their tasks and perform them as quietly, efficiently, and with as little disruption as possible. At Blare Media we believe the less the camera draws attention to itself, the better, and the results are testimonials that appears natural, confident and most importantly, credible.
Contact us today to discuss your next Fresno video production project!