We tell stories for a living.
There’s a message you want to get out there, there’s an audience that needs to hear it, and there’s a perfect way to deliver it – Your story to your customer – Simply, succinctly, and sooner than you think. This is where we come in. We tell stories for a living. We help you feel comfortable because we’ve done this before. We can take your script and tune it up a bit, we can mold your ideas into a pitch that really shines, or we can start from scratch and deliver a complete end to end solution.
Telling a good story is not very easy, but those who do it well make it look like it is.
This is where we come in. We’re here to help you get your story to the masses. You have potential customers that don’t know what you do and don’t yet understand what makes your value proposition different than your competitors’.
Through decades of video production experience we are able to harness what you have and bring it to your audience in a way that allows you to be as engaging, polished, and focused as possible. This is our goal; to see your video message as more than a lot of LEGO pieces ready to be assembled, but as the final creation that delivers the wow factor.
This is why storytellers are more than just technicians, sales people, and various crew members. Storytellers are able to hone and tweak and see the big picture to get your message to your people. Video production is a medium for the storyteller, and we’d love to be a part of your next chapter

We utilize online portals to get your feedback right on the video and we factor in rounds of revision into the process so that there aren’t any hidden costs. In fact, we almost always come in at budget, but if your creative team decides that you want to expand the scope of the project, we’re ready for that as well. BLARE Media is committed to providing premiere services for each and every client.
So let us tell your story. With both our creative and technical approach we’ll tell it well!