Fifty for Fifty Contest

Contact Squid

By Blake Barnett

| Events, Networking


$50 for 50 Contest for Film/Business Contacts

BLARE Media recently developed new free software for film & business professionals. However, in today’s market the old saying “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door” unfortunately no longer applies for most products. This is why we created a contest to entice actors, crew and various other business professionals such as yourselves to give our new software a test drive.


We are giving away $50 to the first person with 50 contacts on Main Features:

1. Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) – How do you currently keep track of all your customers and vendor resources? We made it easy for your sales force to manage their leads and set reminders to follow up with them. If you don’t already have an online CRM this is definitely a step in the right direction to get you and your team more organized.

2. Referral System – Do you like receiving referrals from other businesses? We sure do and that is why we created this system that encourages members to send each other referrals in exchange for liking their page (Social exposure).

3. Internet Marketing – Sometimes it is easier to show rather than explain the technical jargon. To see a good example of the internet marketing portion please type in “Video Production Contacts” on Google and my profile shows up #1 in the organic search results.

Also, we display the top 25 contacts on our home page!

For more information on this contest or please email us at info(at)